
Louie Safety Materials

Louie the Lightning Bug has been educating students about energy safety for years, with interesting materials and fun activities for children in grades K-5.

Easy to read stories, coloring books and experiment workbooks will enlighten students and brighten their days in the classroom.

Grades K-2
We're Talking Electricity!

Teach electrical safety the fun way with Louie's 24-page coloring book. Louie's coloring book has been recommended by the National Education Association.

Grades 2-4
Louie's Electricks!

A 12-page activity book that is loaded with educational games, puzzles, and information about electrical safety. Books are printed in color throughout. "Louie's Electricks!" is endorsed by the National Education Association.

Materials are available for schools located within the Minnesota Power service area.

Email Kate Van Daele at to order. Please include your name, address, contact phone number, title and number of books you would like to receive in your request.